Saturday, April 24, 2010

TenDo- # 29

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Know- everything you do is a reflection of what's going on
within you. Know yourself; know that- by trusting your feelings, and
acting within the Microcosmic Force, by doing only that which is true to you;
you're, by doing this, creating the best world/environment- for you; at
the same time- creating the Microcosmic Force, within you, and outside of you.

The Microcosmic Force- you don't use- can go outside, if that's it path, don't hold
onto it. Allow it its freedom; it has to do something that needs
to be outside, of your energy fields.

In this you're the creator of the Microcosmic Force, as is everyone, who acts in
the only way they can to be true to themselves.

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